Sunday, June 19, 2011

Fathers Day...Whew!

Since this blog is about my adventures as a dad and this is Father's Day here's what happened today. This morning before breakfast was finished my girls invited me into the living room for my Father's Day present. It was the coolest present experience since my fortieth birthday.

They sat me in front of the computer. With the click of a mouse a slick slide show came up. It was our story from 2004-present complete with appropriate teen music I had never heard before. But the girls liked their song selections and I have to say I was humming them the rest of the day.

Next we all piled into my truck and off to church we went. Sarah and I took care of preschool story time during Sunday School without a hitch. I went to "Big" church and helped usher and listened to Pastor David and Toby Rowland share about fatherhood and finding career satisfaction.

Afterward I was inspired to have my fifteen and a half year old drive home. She was startled, hesitant and let me know under no uncertain terms that in the future she would require at least a twenty-four hour warning before driving. I guess she needs to pluck up her courage. I told her I would take it under advisement but there were no guarantees. She did okay and we agreed she could use more practice.

Once safely parked in the drive, we started the great Father's Day feast. I grilled steaks. Yummy was the verdict! The rest of the day was uneventful and relaxing. It was a great day! I realized how simple it was for us to connect which in our busy lives  can be challenging. We just spent time together sharing our talents, laughing, stressing, eating (at the table!) and praying.

Whew! What a great idea Father's Day is. I hope I can regularly string more days together like this one. Thanks ladies. I think I got a renewed perspective on our family adventure through your demonstration of affection for your ol' dad.

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